We're looking forward to Burnt Thicket Theatre's 15th birthday later this year. Perhaps we're like a teenager becoming more at home in our own skin – we felt it was time to update our branding wardrobe. Our historic logo (at right) has been with us since our early days in Calgary as an artist collective back in 2007, when we became a charitable society in 2013, and as we transitioned to our Saskatoon home in 2017.
For a mark that’s seen us through so much, it still feels true to our values and personality. But Burnt Thicket has matured over the years. We’ve honed in on our mission, and our work and community have grown in many ways. It seemed like the right time to take a closer look at our logo and give it a much-needed refresh.
Why redesign our logo?
Over the years our audiences have come to trust our productions to offer enlivening, visceral immersions in the lived experience of fellow human beings. Our work brings awareness to real issues, inviting both artists and audiences to to live more intentionally for the common good of all. We seek to tell stories that change people's lives, and we wanted our logo to carry more of that hope.
We also wanted our logo to reflect the stories that inspire our name.
The story of Moses, an ancient Hebrew sheepherder captivated by the sight of a burning bush, a divine encounter that sends him on a new path speaking truth to power and leading millions of people out of slavery.
Those stories of natural wildfires, scorching the prairie and clearing the ground for new growth, or releasing Jack pine seeds in northern forests that simply couldn't emerge without the flames.
Ta da!
Graphic artist Elizabeth Nepjuk listened to these stories, the vision, mission and history of our company, and created a compelling concept. Elizabeth refined that initial sketch through many drafts, integrating a fresh colour palette created by Brooklynn Bitner and our staff team, alongside the development of our new website, designed by Micah Elgaard of Renaissance Marketing.

Pages of iterations later, our refined logo is a cleaner, more articulate mark which embodies our hopeful vision for the future of our communities and of our company. We hope you're as excited about it as we are!

A big thank you goes out to Elizabeth Nepjuk, Micah Elgaard, and to Creative Saskatchewan. The redesigns of our logo and website were made possible through Creative Saskatchewan’s Market and Export Development Grant Program.