
Remnance by Curtis Peeteetuce image

by Curtis Peeteetuce
Premiered June 3, 2022

In a dystopian future, adrift in space, Commander Trem Lylin archives listeners calling in to share their final thoughts about the current state of humanity – while they still can.

Direction by Danny Knight
Dramaturgy by Carol Greyeyes
Featuring Joshua Beaudry*, Shawn Cuthand, Carol Greyeyes* and Kristina Hughes*

Audience advisory: Content may not be suitable for children. 

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Remnance was written by Curtis Peeteetuce
World Premiere commissioned by Burnt Thicket Theatre
directed by Danny Knight
script dramaturgy by Carol Greyeyes

performed by:
Kristina Hughes* (Commander Trem Lylin)
Carol Greyeyes* (Envoy)
Shawn Cuthand (Leedy Hoolawt, Z)
Joshua Beaudry* (Maric Zope, Fogey)

sound design, recording and audio production by Tim Bratton
production dramaturgy by Yvette Nolan
stage management by Stephen Waldschmidt
original music by Darryl Dozlaw, Jordan Daniels, Marc Okihcihtaw and Donny Speidel
image design by Brooklynn Bitner

Gratefully created on Treaty 6 Territory and the traditional homeland of the Métis.

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Free to stream on demand on our website, Apple PodcastsSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts, with English subtitles/closed captions available on our YouTube channel

Ways to learn and take action: 

Read the Reconciliation Toolkit for Business Leaders from the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, and share it with your workplace colleagues: 

Attend a National Indigenous Peoples Day celebration on June 21 in your area.

Make plans to attend an Indigenous cultural experience, powwow or heritage site this summer. Here are some options in Saskatchewan (scroll down for ideas outside SK):

We want to hear what you think – leave a comment on our social media or send your feedback though the widget on our website.

This project is made possible by a Digital Now Grant from Canada Council for the Arts, and by our major sponsors Shercom Industries, SK Arts, and Creative Saskatchewan. 

*The participation of these Artists is arranged by permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance Opera Theatre Policy (DOT), and under ACTRA's National COVID-19 Response Initiative.

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